86% of executives admit they could make better use of data
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As business owners and executives, we understand that the data our business generates can help us make better decisions.
What isn't always clear is the accuracy of our internal financial data AND how to interpret it. FAL Business Resources moves into this murky data pool and provides confidence in the numbers and translates the data into insights and business vital signs.
Gone are the days of managing on instinct and leaps of faith. Fuel your business with informed decisions and gain market share.
And just like that, running your business became more fun.
Check out our service menu below for more details about FAL Business Resources.
Take the guess work out of running your business.
Customize your service offering and get exactly what you need.
Select options that are right for you from the menu below.
Data Analytics and Insights
Interpret data into actionable insights.
Develop KPIs to support results driven management.
Establish internal and industry benchmarks.
Establish early warning data point triggers to help protect against fraud and risk.
Financial Modeling and Forecasting
Cost Reduction Evaluation
Cash Management Systems
Accounting Support
Books review and clean-up
Interim Accounting Staff
Interim Outsourced Controller:
Financial planning, budgeting, reporting
Fixed asset oversight
Financial data organization for tax preparation
Financial data organization for audit preparation
Interim Outsourced CFO:
Company financial planning
Risk management
Supervision of accounting staff
Accounting Department Set-Up
Staff training
Job descriptions
Development and documentation of systems
Software evaluation and recommendation
Software implementation, integration support
Special Accounting Projects
Forensic data analysis